Insider Threat Consulting - Tri-star Information Security Solutions
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Insider Threat Consulting

What is an insider threat?

An insider threat comes from a trusted person within an organisation. The trusted person is normally privy to or can access sensitive information about the organisation. This person causes a security violation when they maliciously divulge, destroy or act on that information in a way that causes harm or loss to the organisation.

This type of threat can cause irreparable reputational or financial damage. Famous cases include the Snowden leak and an Elon Musk employee accused of sabotage.

Types of insider threat by industry

Finance/investing: insider trading

Retail: theft

E-commerce: stealing customer information, committing fraud and scams with customer information

Sales/consultancy service providers: Employees misusing confidential client information (selling it to competition, sabotaging deals)


Employees stealing clients to set up their own business

Business partners or employees stealing your intellectual property – by bringing your ideas to market before you or plagiarising your ideas, products and services.


Any business sector: sabotage through spreading negative publicity about the company online; planning a hostile takeover; damaging property; facilitating hacks or thefts; employees’ online activities causing your business reputational damage; tampering with systems; spying for competitors.

Why choose us?

We review your security procedures with the aim of implementing strict controls so we can protect the assets and information that are critical to keeping your business operational.

We provide training and workshops to senior managers and HR departments.

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