Information Brokerage - Tri-star Information Security Solutions
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Information Brokerage

What is it?

Information is the new currency. Just like money, having information is one thing, but what you do with it is what really matters. At Tri-star we use a multitude of methods to legally and ethically acquire open and closed sourced information for due diligence purposes. In this sector we work with financial institutions, law firms, technology companies and decision-makers in the entertainment industry.

Venture Capital Protection

Investment scams have become highly sophisticated and are hard to detect. By the time the investor realises they have been scammed, there is little that can be done to recover the money. The financial and reputational damage can leave the investor ruined.


Tri-star removes the risks posed to investors by conducting a thorough due diligence process. Most reputable venture capital firms do this in some form, but mainly from a business and legal standpoint. Tri-star delves deeper to understand the risk beyond the balance sheets by gathering information and intelligence on the people who are responsible for ensuring your return on investment.


We examine the key human factors that will expose you to risk. We will verify who the entrepreneurs and management board are. We get the answers to key questions such as are they capable of growing the business? Are they scammers? Are their claims about their business or product true? What is their business history? Have they scammed investors in the past?


We do not investigate any crimes. We simply use the power of information to limit your exposure to risk and help you make astute business decisions based on actionable intelligence.

We identify areas of risk for investors and provide intelligence to aid decision making.

we complete a professional due diligence service for start-ups so they can secure investment.

Venture capitalists are investors who finance high risk, high return ‘start-ups’ and businesses in return for shares in the company. Investors provide money to entrepreneurs so their ideas can grow into a feasible, profitable business. Once the business matures, the investors sell their shares for a profit. Investors run the risk of losing their capital investment if the business does not grow or if they become a victim of investment scams.

How do investors lose money?


• Mismanaged funds by the entrepreneur and management board

• Intellectual property and product fraud

• Entrepreneurs undersell the risk of the venture

• Share fraud: entrepreneurs inflate the price of the share or sell non-existent shares

• Upfront payment scams

• Land banking scams

• Ponzi schemes

• Online investment fraud

Venture Capital Protection

Why choose us?

We provide you with the information so you can make astute business decisions based on actionable intelligence in order prevent risk of financial or reputational harm to your business.

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